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Bethlehem Chapter of Rose Croix,18°
“A new Commandment I give unto you, that you, love one another as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”
The 17º, Knight of the East and West, and the 18º, Knight of Rose Croix of H.R.D.M., known as the Philosophical and Doctoral Degrees of the Scottish Rite are conferred in a Chapter of Rose Croix. They open a new development of Masonic teaching and are a distinct departure and advance from the symbolism of the Symbolic Lodge and of the preceding Scottish Rite Degrees. These deal with the teachings of Jesus; as Teacher, Prophet and Martyr. Whatever your religious faith, you are encouraged to ponder the philosophy and teachings of the Nazarene, especially the doctrine of fraternal love and service toward all mankind. You will learn how the three cardinal virtues of Freemasonry, Faith, Hope and Charity were so beautifully illustrated in the life of Christ. These lessons give spiritual underpinning to the central Masonic concept of “The Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God.” The Rose Croix Degrees are the spiritual center; among the most important in the body of Freemasonry.
Continue reading→Lafayette Council Princes of Jerusalem, 16°
“Great is Truth and mighty above all things”
The 15º, Knight of the East and the 16º, Prince of Jerusalem Degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry are often referred to as the historical degrees and constitute an allegorical narrative presenting the story of a captive people who, “wept beside the rivers of Babylon.” when liberated they were consecrated to the task of building the second Temple or rather rebuilding the Temple of Solomon. The entire pageantry and symbolism of Freemasonry revolves around the construction of the four Temples of Jahweh, by a brotherhood dedicated to the erection of a perfect edifice at Jerusalem and later building a Temple in the hearts of men. Contrasted with hauteur of imperious monarchs, is the humility of the little group of those born to bondage pleading for the redress of an ancient wrong. The lessons in the 15º and 16º are from these elements of the historical drama which transpired during the reigns of of the Great Kings, Cyrus and Darius.…
Continue reading→Lehigh Consistory, S.P.R.S. 32°
“Speas Mea In Deo Est” “My hope is in God.”
The Consistory Degrees portray memorable lessons of; brotherhood, compassion, discipline, dignity, duty, equality, excellence, faith, good will, justice, love, mercy, moral character, patriotism, purity, service, spirituality, toleration, and unity in dramas that range in settings from the time of chivalry through the 20th Century.
Commander in Chief…
Continue reading→Valley of Allentown History
by III. Thomas R. Lawall, 33°
This is the second of a series of articles which will be published in “The Messenger” to give its readers a condensed history of our Valley. In this issue, we will discuss the actions that led to the formation of the Valley of the Lehigh.
The history of the Valley of Allentown begins with the sudden growth of membership in the Valley of Scranton, after the end of the First world War. A large number of Masons from the Lehigh Valley traveled to Scranton to become Scottish Rite Masons. Much of this growth came through the efforts of III. Owen W. Metzger, M.S.A., 33°, who was so deeply impressed by the exemplification of degrees and the Scottish Rite spirit of Keystone Consistory (Valley of Scranton) that he immediately became active in its’ interest and put his whole heart into his efforts. He was able to get the cooperation of other Lehigh Valley members of Keystone Consistory in making an all out drive to get new members for the Rite. The records of the Valley of Scranton…
Continue reading→Honor. Integrity. Truth. Character.
32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry is a fraternity of Brothers committed to going deeper into the highest principles, teachings, and ideals of the Masonic craft. It is open to all Master Masons looking to continue the journey of self-discovery and finding a deeper sense of purpose.
As Freemasons, we believe in something greater than ourselves, and strive to be good men who want to be better.
Become the best version of you. Answer the call.